Medicare Information
All CBIA/Aetna drug plans are creditable.
CMS requires the distribution of a Creditable Coverage notice annually, no later than October 15. We recommend you distribute a copy of the CBIA/Aetna Creditable Coverage Notice to all employees and retirees enrolled in a CBIA/Aetna medical plan offered by your company.
For more information, visit the CMS website. Please download and distribute the following.
CBIA/Aetna Creditable Coverage Notice
According to the provisions of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA), most entities that currently provide prescription drug coverage to Medicare Part D eligible individuals must disclose to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) whether the coverage is “creditable prescription drug coverage” (Disclosure to CMS). Disclosure to CMS is required whether the entity’s coverage is primary or secondary to Medicare. Entities that must comply with these provisions are listed at 42 CFR §423.56(b) and are also referenced on the creditable coverage homepage.
We strongly encourage you to review the information provided here and on the CMS Web site to assist you in meeting your obligation as a Plan Sponsor.
Remember that Medicare eligibility can be defined by age or disability. Be sure to check with all of your employees to inquire about any covered dependents (spouse or children) who are eligible for Medicare. If you do not have any Medicare eligible employees (or dependents) covered under your group health plan, you do not need to disclose any information to CMS at this time.
The disclosure form is available at and is submitted to CMS electronically. There is no other option for submitting this form to CMS.
The CMS Web site has information available about the initial and annual disclosure requirement as well as the times when notices of creditable coverage must be given to your Medicare-eligible retirees, employees, and dependents. The following pages on the CMS Web site may help you understand whether you are obligated to complete a disclosure notice.
Notes on completing the CMS Disclosure form
Remember, you are required to notify your employees of the creditable or non-creditable status of their health plan each year, on or before the Oct. 15 deadline.
For specific inquiries about the CMS Disclosure Form, please contact CMS directly at 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).